Welcome to

Paul Francis 111

The Home Of

Next Level Psychic


Reach Across Live

Brought to you by:

The White Lotus Group

In Sponsorship with

The Quiet Corner

The Quiet Corner is/will be a global community brought together to bring mutual support for people who suffer from cancers of all ages. you see it's is not just the patient that suffers, the families of the patients suffer as well and often as much as the patient. It is hard to be a husband, wife, or son/daughter of a close family member and observe them going through the horrendous disease and not be able to do anything about it except of course the limited amount of care you are able and or allowed to give. A very famous Dr once said "Every Doctor Is A Patient, And Every Patient Is A Doctor", believe me that care which is given by families and friends is very much appreciated, and appreciated to the max trust me, I know, because I am also a patient so I am speaking from experience. The care is very limited such as having meds at the right time, washing or changing the patient or bringing them to and from the hospital for treatments etc. Its all helpful and all very important. BUT! for the family and friends it can equally be very dangerous because if the stress is not dealt with, it will manifest itself in another way and 99.9% of the time that manifests in an illness of some kind. My illness these days is Fibromyalgia High blood pressure, heart issues and so on... basically I rattle when I walk..... So

Many moons ago I was at home, Johanna had again been taken into hospital because the brain tumour had begun to create convulsions and inhibiting her heath in many ways, I was alone at home, my girls were scared and in tears, and as was I, whilst sitting at the window having just received a call from some friends asking how Johanna was doing, it came to me, an idea came up where people like myself could come together to share our thoughts and ideas, and basically self soothe, and mutually support, a place where we can discuss our fears and (if we wish) our families treatments because you never know there might be a treatment where a patient is being given, yet another patient has no idea its even available... you get my point. It' s primarily a place where we can go and simply chat if thats whats needed at that time. A Quiet Corner.

When I brought the idea to my wife Johanna of whom most of you know is suffering from cancer she was elated by the idea, and then she started to push that small snowball of an idea, which is now gathering and very quickly heading towards an avalanche, she has spoken to a great many professional people who also think this is a great idea, even surgeons and doctors want to help so we can bring patients and their families some care and comfort to know they most certainly are not alone, people, and doctors together with scientists who can do something positive to bring relief to the world with this horrible disease. As a doctor friend of ours told us, "its education that will begin to irradiate this disease", education into what triggers the growth of cancers and how to prevent those initial triggers, this will then reduce the overall amount of cases which in turn will then help families get at least the best out of life, and give the doctors and scientists a chance to get ahead. So the idea began and continued to grow, and we are now looking at how The Quiet Corner can help in other areas and with other diseases and ailments such as Parkinson's Disease, MS, Fibromyalgia and illnesses such as these. We are going to focus on Childrens Cancers as very little is actually focused in this group of patients did you know for example that there are NO hospitals that work purely for children or children's cancers, so we aim to change that! Even looking into how and why medicines and treatments are available to some, but not others?, and we aim to change that in what ever way we can.

We will need your help in making this happen, and its in all our best interests to rid the world of this and all these diseases, so together we will become one focus, and

NOTHING will stop us.

Firstly I would like to draw your attention to our new sister site on Patreon,

on this site you will find access to:

  1. Weekly Shows and Events
  2. Seminars inclusive and Free Of Charge
  3. Private One to One sessions - Inclusive in tier options
  4. Group Sessions available to book and inclusive in Platinum Tier
  5. Active One to One time with Paul Francis
  6. Much Much More  inclusive for the price of as little as "1 cup of coffee per month"
Patreon Link

(Click On The Picture or the Link Above)

Come over and see our new Patreon Site, it offers:

Inclusive Group Sessions,

Inclusive Private and Group One to One Sessions

Group & Private Seminars

Discounts on Events and merchandise

Seminars every second week

All for the starting price of only £5 per month. (bronze level)

(thats the equivalent to a cup of coffee a month)

So why join Patreon? - Just click any of the links below to see why

  • Subscribe

    Welcome to the "Free Subscription Level" Genuinely I am very excited that you have subscribed and as such I will be holding monthly seminars on Patreon for Patreon members only of whhich you will be invited. I will try to record and preserve each session so that members who cannot attend will be able to still attend afterwards. There is also a way in which you can get promoted up to one of the tiers, simply get 20 new members to subscribe using your name as a reference such as subscription:paul francis invited me obviously using your name, and when 20 new subscribers join with your reference, you will be invited up to the next level, and that does not stop there, because, using the same idea, you can advance to the top level by inviting people to join at the bronze, silver and gold levels once achieved you get promoted to "Platinum Level" and everything that that level offers. so why not start today by introducing friends and family and go from there...

    This subscription tier is free of charge, and although it offers you free inclusive seminars it is restricted to only those posted or live free events, to access all the seminars and teaching events join the next level which is bronze at £5 per month.

  • Bronze Level

    Bronze Member - (Monthly)

    £5 / month


    1 member

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    The Bronze Member will have access to: Bronze members-only events,  Discounts on all Paul Francis/Ghosthunter/Paraghost Events Early access to new releases by Paul Francis Bronze members-only monthly group events After a three month continued membership period:

    1. Will receive a free meditation download

    2. Entered into an exclusive limited exclusive seminar with Paul Francis

    3. Reduced prices Bronze Member merchandise (available at that time) After a six month continued membership period:

    What’s included

    Early access to members episodes

    Monthly Group Events

    Events not available to general public

  • Silver Level

    Silver Member - (Monthly)
ÂŁ10 / month
2 members
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(For less than most reads a year) Welcome to the Silver Membership Silver members will receive: A monthly Silver members-only group event Discounts on all Paul Francis/Ghosthunter/Paraghost Events but will include inclusive entery for two people to a Paraghost/Ghoshunter event of your choice, also Early access to new releases by Paul Francis After a three month continued membership period:

1. Will receive 4 free meditation downloads (one per quarter)

2. Enterence into an exclusive limited on line exclusive seminar with Paul Francis

3. reduced price exclusive Silver Member Merchandise (available at that time)

After a six month continued membership period: 1. Exclusive meditation downloads (free)

2. A free Ghost Hunter Cap (valued at ÂŁ18)

3. 50% off a Ghost Hunter/Paraghost T-Shirt

What’s included
Early access to members episodes
Events not available to general public

    Silver Member - (Monthly)

    £10 / month


    2 members

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    (For less than most reads a year) Welcome to the Silver Membership Silver members will receive: A monthly Silver members-only group event Discounts on all Paul Francis/Ghosthunter/Paraghost Events but will include inclusive entery for two people to a Paraghost/Ghoshunter event of your choice, also Early access to new releases by Paul Francis After a three month continued membership period:

    1. Will receive 4 free meditation downloads (one per quarter)

    2. Enterence into an exclusive limited on line exclusive seminar with Paul Francis

    3. reduced price exclusive Silver Member Merchandise (available at that time)

    After a six month continued membership period: 1. Exclusive meditation downloads (free)

    2. A free Ghost Hunter Cap (valued at £18)

    3. 50% off a Ghost Hunter/Paraghost T-Shirt

    What’s included

    Early access to members episodes

    Events not available to general public

  • Gold Level

    Gold Members Area (Monthly)
ÂŁ20 / month
2 members
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Welcome to the Paul Francis Gold and Exclusive Members Area  The Members of this section will have access to:

Exclusive Members-only on line events  20% Discounts on all Paul Francis/Ghosthunter/Paraghost Events

Early access to new releases by Paul Francis

After a three month continued membership period:

1. Will receive a free meditation download

2. Two 1hr private sessions with Paul 

(one of which can be gifted )

3. A copy of Paul's latest book The Little Book Of Quick Wisdom download (inclusive)

After a six month continued membership period: 1. Exclusive meditation downloads (free)

2, A (1hr) One to One session with Paul Francis

2. 20% On All Paul Francis and Ghosthunter/Paraghost Merchandise

What’s included
Events not available to general public

    Gold Members Area (Monthly)

    £20 / month


    2 members

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    Welcome to the Paul Francis Gold and Exclusive Members Area  The Members of this section will have access to:

    Exclusive Members-only on line events  20% Discounts on all Paul Francis/Ghosthunter/Paraghost Events

    Early access to new releases by Paul Francis

    After a three month continued membership period:

    1. Will receive a free meditation download

    2. Two 1hr private sessions with Paul 

    (one of which can be gifted )

    3. A copy of Paul's latest book The Little Book Of Quick Wisdom download (inclusive)

    After a six month continued membership period: 1. Exclusive meditation downloads (free)

    2, A (1hr) One to One session with Paul Francis

    2. 20% On All Paul Francis and Ghosthunter/Paraghost Merchandise

    What’s included

    Events not available to general public

  • Platinum Level

    Platinum Membership - The Elite
ÂŁ35 / month
0 members
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For the Platinum Level - The Elite

Members Get an Inclusive monthly event that's primarily only for The Elite members, within this monthly event includes "An Evening With" Paul Francis & Guests, Private One to One sessions, inclusive entrance to all Seminars, Priority tickets to all events & Paranormal Events Inclusive of discount for one guest and a Free Book Signed of your choice plus 10% reduced rate for your guest. Additional Priority Monthly Money Off vouchers for Merchandise.

What’s included
Early access to members episodes
Monthly Group Events
Events not available to general public
Elite Benefits
General VIP Access

    Platinum Membership - The Elite

    £35 / month


    0 members

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    For the Platinum Level - The Elite

    Members Get an Inclusive monthly event that's primarily only for The Elite members, within this monthly event includes "An Evening With" Paul Francis & Guests, Private One to One sessions, inclusive entrance to all Seminars, Priority tickets to all events & Paranormal Events Inclusive of discount for one guest and a Free Book Signed of your choice plus 10% reduced rate for your guest. Additional Priority Monthly Money Off vouchers for Merchandise.

    What’s included

    Early access to members episodes

    Monthly Group Events

    Events not available to general public

    Elite Benefits

    General VIP Access

Click For Patreon

In addition to my work I also create music and art, I will be giving away both on my Patreon Channel but in addition for you visiting my website I have included a free download for you of a picture called "STORM" please feel free to download it, but there is a caveat in that:

it cannot be used in public or presented in any form of media without my written prior authorisation, this initially is for private use only. thank you, and  enjoy.

Monday Nights Live From 8pm on www.youtube.com/paulfrancismedium


When Spirit Wants To Fight, But Fear Takes Over

Painting By Paul Francis

  • STORM - I created this painting "Storm" after an intense meditation, this is a "free gift" from me to you, when you download the picture open it up, and then just relax, let your mind go, breathe in and out and let your focus look through the painting, just let it go and see where it takes you. Please make a note on this journey, and either email me or private message me on messenger and tell me about your experiences.

  • Please Note: "Storm" is a gift from me to you, its not to be used on social media, or any other publication of any kind without my express and written permission, thank you. Paul Francis
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Who is

Paul Francis?

Paul Francis. For the last 35 years I have been working hard to break down the barriers between life and death. primarily for my own benefits due to loss of family and friends, but equally due to the same fear everyone else has, "there must be something else", call it Heaven, Nirvana, Afterlife what ever you prefer. The more I worked and researched, the more became clear, the more it became clearer, the more I wanted to know until I was introduced to Spiritual Development, Mediumship and Psychic Development, then BOOM! it made sense, everything my family had taught me for the most part was real, but a great many myths were not. So I trained as a psychic medium, and through the years developed my skills and abilities to become more in touch not only with spirit, but with us as people and human beings, I don't see "race" "colour" "creed" I see only PEOPLE!

As an independent psychic medium and life coach, I successfully support people in realising their full potential and giving their lives a new direction. I listen, make the problems and concerns that stand in your way tangible, and thereby help you to develop new perspectives. Together we discover your personal road to more success, satisfaction, and strength. As a result your life will become free of what would normally be obstacles as you will have discovered how to overcome, release and live


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Starts With You!


Awaken The


Within You 

If Its To Be - Its Up To Me

Many people have no idea what strengths they have and that lie dormant within them. 

At the same time, it is essential for people in particular, to gain more clarity about human strengths and weaknesses. 

After all, this is the only way for them to identify who they are, what they are and prospective areas of development and make the most of existing potential. 

However, as with many things in life, this knowledge or insight must come from you, we are our biggest judges but equally our best motivators


Do you fall into that category? 
Are you quick with excuses and immediate to a question with a excuse response? if so why?

Why are you programmed with the excuse instead of the reason to fulfil the problem in the first place, there Maxwell have been a good excuse as to why a task wasn't completed, but the reason should always be backed up with the backup plan for success. 


Say this over and over:
In coaching, you get to know your own strengths and weaknesses and develop a feeling for your highly personal desires, needs and motivation style, including that which could make you and your family even more successful.


"Only those who can lead themselves, can lead others." – Coaching gives you the self-confidence you need to do so.

PEOPLE:  Get into disarray because of a lack of self belief. 

This presents blockages in all  positions including their private and professional lives. 

However, it is a well-known fact that any good skill is not automatically equal to the need for leadership qualities far from it, a good/great leader will always help the skilled to get to where they need to be and to fulfil their lives to the best of their abilities by teaching them.

After all, people also need to know how to lead and support family in the best possible way. This includes competencies such as clear communication, effective management, and respectful levels to all. 

Only with these skills will you be able to create a framework needed with which you can then be successful.

Good motivators/leaders take responsibility for their decisions and actions. They listen and are able to motivate themselves and others and inspire them with their own vision. But equally as important they are ALWAYS able to learn from mistakes and TAKE GUIDANCE themselves, 


These are the leaders that people like to follow.

But how do you become a good leader? 

Honesty gives you the opportunity to reflect and expand your own skills in peace and quiet received during meditation, these guided meditations will expand your life both physically and metaphysically in multiples of ways.

Together we will discover what kind of person you are, and who you want to be then find strategies to implement this knowledge to grant your wishes and needs.



Your Life &


A happy private life, a successful career, prosperity and success – you can have it all if you pay attention to maintaining a healthy life balance. 

WHAT IS Life? 

Personal coaching helps you understand, relate and keep track of your own priorities. But more importantly, helps you understand WHAT is a PRIORITY and WHAT ISN'T!

Are you longing for more quality time with your family?  - priority 

Would you like more time for yourself?  - priority 

Better healthier lifestyle? - priority


What are you waiting for? 

With your personal development course, you will learn how a demanding job can be reconciled with your private life – without having to give up any success or wealth or loose precious time.


Together we develop individual ideas  to find a new balance between tension and relaxation, between your private and your professional life.



Challenge Yourself

You're better than you think!

 Many people continuously work at their maximum capacity. They might be successful in doing this, but cannot enjoy their success because they are never able to relax and their health suffers.


Work To Live 


Live To Work 

  The right questions are key in this discovery process: 
1. what does the life you dream of actually look like? 

2. What exactly doesn't feel right? 

3. What is it you have, that you don't really want?

With Personal Development 

1. I will help you develop your own personal vision.

2. Eliminate Guilt from your life

3. Show you how to prioritise your real priorities

4. Show you just how amazing life is

5, You Are Never Alone

6, Give you the energy you thought you never had

7, Teach you how to overcome obstacles 

8, Open your mind and heart to your own spirit within

9, Link to the worlds and universal energies

10, Help You, Create You!


Personal Development


Thankfully, people can change. You can bring these two seemingly contradictory areas of your life into a healthy balance, thereby reuniting your body and mind. 

By leading an active and grounded lifestyle, you will be even more successful in the long run.

Through efficient stress-reduction training, effective time management, and dedicated personal development coaching, you will learn how to approach your life in a new way.

Contact us today,

Contact us

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